The information we've been collecting in class and I've been loading into the Prezi is two-thirds done but I wanted to show you it as a work in progress. I made it orange in honor of Halloween but we will decide on a formal format next week. Note that all but the LP map has its source listed. Note that grammar rules have been suspended which made Mrs. Cornett frown at me.:)
What are we missing? What should we add? If you are done with your homework this weekend, see what Lord Google might suggest. You might also fire up a book on the Louisiana Purchase, too. There are these places called libraries ... ;)
BTW-I was so inspired by our Cosmosphere visit that I went outside after the dance and stargazed for a bit. Saturday will be a beautiful night to do that as well.
This is a painted bison pelt Lewis sent to Jefferson. It hangs in the foyer of Monticello. (Source: Mr. Mc.) |